susceptibility|susceptibilities in English


[sus·cep·ti·bil·i·ty || sə‚septə'bɪlətɪ]

vulnerability; emotional sensitivity; inability to resist a particular external influence, impressionability

Use "susceptibility|susceptibilities" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "susceptibility|susceptibilities" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "susceptibility|susceptibilities", or refer to the context using the word "susceptibility|susceptibilities" in the English Dictionary.

1. Do nothing to offend her susceptibilities.

2. I didn't mean to offend/upset/hurt your susceptibilities.

3. Heredity provides susceptibilities, capabilities, tendencies, and vulnerabilities.

4. 15 Their susceptibilities clash against objects that remain innocently quiet.

5. Susceptibility Tests Ampicillin Susceptibility Test Discs, 10 mcg, should be used to estimate the in vitro susceptibility of bacteria to Ampicillin

6. Please complete the following table on vector susceptibility to DDT according to WHO susceptibility test

7. Manually determine the antibiotic susceptibility of microorganisms using Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (AST) methods in conjunction with reliable, easy-to-use Thermo Scientific Oxoid Bacitracin Antimicrobial Susceptibility discs.

8. Conclusions ATB Hemophilus influenza susceptibility test and broth dilution method could be used in Hemophilia influenza susceptibility test.

9. The NN model for the molar diamagnetic susceptibilities appears more reliable than the MLR model.

10. Crack seems to increase susceptibility for several reasons.

11. Which increases post-op susceptibility to intestinal parasites.

12. Touch switch with reduced susceptibility to electrical interference

13. Each of these groups has its own insignia, its own susceptibilities, its own ways of resisting change.

14. And people vary, too, in their susceptibility to addiction.

15. The myopes showed particularly striking Accommodatively related nearwork aftereffect susceptibility

16. 21 That suggests the variant promotes susceptibility to bipolar disorder.

17. The myopes showed particularly striking Accommodatively related nearwork aftereffect susceptibility

18. So increased susceptibility to disease is a measure of poor welfare.

19. In addition, the susceptibility of bean starch for pancreatic amylolysis decreases.

20. (2 Corinthians 12:7-9) Even for his loyal servants, God does not now remove inherited weaknesses or susceptibilities to disease.

21. Concerned with the site's susceptibility to liquefaction and proximity to faults.

22. Bacteria are also susceptible to drying and again their susceptibility varies.

23. And resistance to one pest can often increase susceptibility to another.

24. From mid-August onwards considerably less susceptibility could be observed with cones.

25. It's the absence of susceptibility factors and risk factors for these disorders.